Episode 159: Are You Too Obsessed?


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It isn't an easy topic, but it's an important one and Matt explores this fine line between a healthy commitment to performance vs. an unhealthy obsession in today's episode that sets the backdrop of future episodes.

Remember, the pursuit and excellence in your sporting goals aren't the only measures of success. We define success as nailing that part, but by pursuing these goals, you also improve your health, increase your effectiveness at work, and are equipped to show up to friends and family as the best version of yourself possible.

So, to lead listeners in the subject, Matt focuses the discussion around four key phrases:

* Performance within Context

* Embrace the Journey

* Nail the Basics

* No One Gives a Sh*t

Using these four sayings as a guide and framework, we believe you can stabilize your relationship with the pursuit of excellence, and still become the best version of yourself within the context of life.

The four key sayings also endorse a high work ethic, great commitment, and the requirement to do a lot of things right, but they can also guard against falling into a paralyzing mindset that shackles growth and performance within the context of your life.

This is what success is: It is NOT pursuing your sporting goals at the cost of health, relationships, and effectiveness across life’s commitments. It is the reverse. This mindset defines the ability to frame every single element of sport and performance and keep you from crossing the barrier onto the slippery and dangerous slope of obsession.

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